For anything and everything related to trees and development, Tree Mann Solutions has you covered with our Planning, Permitting, and Preservation services.

The old adage, "measure twice, cut once" is still alive and well today. Helping people save time, money, and trees hinges on proper planning. Projects and properties are limited by the planning that goes into them.
From early feasibility before a site is put under contract, to full tree surveys and conceptual site planning assistance, Tree Mann Solutions knows what it takes to make a deal work and speaks your language.
While we love trees, we know they can be a massive hindrance on a site. We know trees and code. We help identify the challenges early and work to minimize them as best as possible with creative thinking and team collaboration.
Planning services include:
Heritage Tree Mapping
Locate, measure, identify and assess the largest trees that create the most impact to site yields
Regardless of municipality, large trees of the most desirable species can create significant challenges through site design, development budget, or entitlement schedule impacts – let us help you understand the facts and make informed decisions EARLY.
Full Tree Surveys
Locate, measure, identify and assess all regulated trees on a site based on varying municipal requirements
Provide the most accurate tree data early to guide design decisions, schedules, and budgets
Measured as thoroughly and accurately as possible to not leave money on the table for the client
Data provided in manner easy for civil engineers and/or surveyors to import into their full survey
Tree Condition Assessment/Inventory
Verify size and species measurements of either all or the largest trees on an existing tree survey per municipal requirements. Additionally assess all trees within scope for condition to provide preservation and mitigation recommendations
Design Collaboration
Work with developers, civil engineers, landscape architects, architects, and/or land planners to provide approvable site plan layouts based on municipal regulations
Provide clarity and comfort that a design is feasible for approval and make design change recommendations early when it is less painful to make adjustments
Tree Risk Assessment
Level 1 basic ground-based assessments of key trees regarding posed risks to the built environment
Level 2 thorough ground-based 360-degree assessments of key trees regarding posed risks to the built environment through multi-faceted analysis of all tree parts, past, present and future site conditions
Level 3 advanced assessment methods employed (aerial assessment, air-excavation, Resistograph resistance drilling, tomography trunk scans, etc.) to provide thorough 360-degree assessments of key trees to the built environment through multi-faceted analysis of all tree parts, and past, present and future site conditionsregarding posed risks
Transplant Analysis
Identify key larger trees that must be saved per municipal requirements; when those trees prove unfeasible to preserve in place, TMS coordinates with industry leaders to provide transplant feasibility reports to understand design, budget, and schedule impacts of transplanting larger trees
City Permitting
Communication is key. Well-designed projects on great sites that should work can get bogged down in permitting and entitlement challenges. Quality data gathered during planning must then be presented at the right time in the right manner to obtain efficiency.
From early pre-plan submittal consults with city staff before a site plan is submitted, to full engagement through the site development permit review process, Tree Mann Solutions knows municipal tree regulations in and out in the greater Austin and San Antonio metros and beyond. While regulations provide good checks and balances to ensure safe and quality development, the red tape can be frustrating to say the least!
We help guide design to minimize compliance challenges, assess plans to locate potential code conflicts, and analyze SDP comment reports to clear concerns efficiently and effectively – ideally the first time! We collaborate with design teams and municipal reviewers to be a bridge to maintain compliance but efficiently deliver a permit that leads to successful projects with great tree preservation.
City Permitting services include:
Pre-Plan City Consults
Submit conceptual plans and early tree studies to municipal staff for review. Meet staff on site to discuss large tree preservation, removal, and/or mitigation requirements to establish playing field for further site design
Design Collaboration
Full engagement to be involved in calls and meetings pertinent to tree preservation. Plan review through each city submission to ensure minimal tree review challenges.
Plan & Comment Review
Contract plan and comment review at any point in a project when applicant teams experience city arborist opposition to plans
TMS works to interpret feedback, navigate code challenges, and work with stakeholders to clarify details and/or suggest reasonable compromises in design layout and/or construction methodologies
Canopy Reports
Assess preserved tree compliance based on current plans (typically no more than 25% green canopy removal allowed). Basic canopy assessments based on erosion control, grading, utility, and building elevation plans to assess pruning needs.
Coordination of construction staking for thorough canopy assessments when compliance or non-compliance is not obvious
Coordination of lidar or photogrammetry canopy scans of the largest, most-challenging trees to demonstrate compliance with formal variance trees (preserved-in-place or transplant)
Risk Assessments (Levels 1,2,3)
Additional in-depth risk assessments during permit review if needed or requested by city staff to document tree removal compliance with code and regulations
Administrative or Formal Variance Letter preparation requesting removal of the largest trees with most formal processes
Mitigation Care Plans
Preparation of tree care plans for specific trees per city requests to ensure preservation compliance during construction
Don’t waste effort – invest it! Teams should preserve the trees well that they designed around and for which they worked to demonstrate compliance.
From pre-construction or maintenance cycle budgeting and care specifications on new projects or existing developments, to full engagement through tree care and monitoring services, Tree Mann Solutions knows how to manage projects and properties efficiently and keep trees healthy and attractive.
We understand the challenges to build and/or maintain all types of development near trees and can help guide you to success.
City Permittingg services include:
Preservation & Care Plans
Identify trees to save and remove
Specify treatments and services to maintain and/or promote tree health
Outline timing and frequency of services during project or management cycle
Estimating & Budgeting
Estimate labor duration and material quantities based on specified scope
Provide realistic budgets early with an eye to value engineering at all reasonable opportunities
Project Managers and Contractors
Provide proposals and budgets for key partners
Manage all tree care needs for developer, general contractor, and property management clients
Manage Tree Health During Projects
Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, and/or quarterly tree health and compliance monitoring
Demolition monitoring when construction activities are near trees
Site meetings with tree care contractors, owners, owner’s rep, general contractor, subcontractors, etc. as needed to manage tree preservation success
Pre, Mid, Post Construction Reports
Formal documentation reports to ensure municipal and/or contract compliance
Inspect specific trees and/or groups of trees to document tree health before, during, and following construction or project activities